Spectrogram analysis: Very good vitality

A 24-hour HRV measurement is nothing more than a series of over 100,000 numbers, displayed in a spectrogram and pulse curve. The result is “perception at first sight“. The intuitively perceptible fire-like representation emotionalizes and thus creates a willingness to change. A high degree of insight on the part of those measured can be observed. The picture painted by your own heart is not questioned. Therefore, disappointment, anger, annoyance or sadness rarely prevail when results are poor. Rather, a strong motivation arises to want to have a stronger, higher-flaming, more beautiful fire of life!

The pattern recognition of an HRV measurement is shown below using the example of “very good vitality”:

Sehr gute Vitalität in HRV Spektrogramm und Pulskurve (Quelle: Autonom Health, 2016)
Very good vitality in HRV spectrogram and pulse curve (source: Autonom Health, 2016)
Personnel Administrator – 32 years
HRV spectrogramVery powerful image over the entire measurement period. Very powerful blue base at the beginning of the morning and after a restful night. After lunch, the vitality drops a little. Good variety between active and passive activities.
VLF range
The physical reserves appear to be very well filled.
LF rangeThe willingness to perform decreases slightly after the lunch break and is almost completely reduced during sport.
HF rangeIs very well filled except for the sports phase.
SleepVery restful and relaxing. There is a good RSA, which lasts the whole night.
Pulse reduction during sleepIs easily recognizable and reaches the minimum pulse after approx. 3 hours of sleep.
Sleep durationIs in the optimum range at just over 8 hours.
RSAThe ability to recover during sleep is in a very good range. Signs of tiredness during the day, during work phases (especially during telephone calls) and in the evening during mental activity before sleep.
BRACEasily recognizable at night. Not so much during the day.
RegenerationNo conscious breaks during the day – only after a late evening meal. This relaxation break is relaxing and restorative. The decline in the VLF range and the increase in the LF and HF ranges are striking. The subsequent mental activity is counterproductive.
Exhaustion during the daySigns of tiredness during the day and increasing phases of exhaustion towards the evening
Exhaustion during sleepNo signs.
Pulse levelAt a very economical level with adequate peaks in activating activities. Strikingly high heart rate when walking to the train (too late?) and on the subsequent ride to the gym.
Dynamics A day/nightAs the level is already low on the day, the dynamic A is not very high.
Dynamic B min/maxVery good result.
Drop in heart rate after exerciseIs very good and almost back to normal in the relatively short term.

You can find more information on how to read and analyze your HRV measurement in the following blog posts:

What do the results of my HRV measurement mean? https://www.autonomhealth.com/blog/was-bedeuten-die-ergebnisse-meiner-hrv-messung/
HRV – everything you need to know about it: https://www.autonomhealth.com/blog/hrv-alles-was-man-darueber-wissen-muss/
Do you know the basics of heart rate variability? https://www.autonomhealth.com/blog/grundlagen-der-herzfrequenzvariabilitaet/

Of course, there is much more to tell about heart rate variability (HRV). The “HRV-Praxis-Lehrbuch” by Dr. Alfred Lohninger (2021) is suitable for in-depth study. Published by Facultas Verlag and can be ordered directly from our store at https://shop.autonomhealth.com/shop/.

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