Do you know what is good for you?

Autonom Health shows you the way to a healthy lifestyle.
Find out what is good for you and your health with the interactive app and the results in the analysis portal.
The Lebensfeuer®, graphic developed by us together with the analysis of the decisive lifestyle factors generate a reliable real-time indicator for your state of health.

Brunout at risk?

“Am I at risk for burnout from the constant stress of my job?”

Physical potential

“Can I get more out of my exercise sessions?”

Rest during sleep?

“How good is my recovery during

Simply feel good again!

“Why don’t I feel well despite exercise and a healthy diet?”

Our HRV chest strap system with interactive app

A special chest strap, Bluetooth technology and the “My Autonom Health” app as an individual health coach enable health and performance to be monitored at any time and for any length of time, and to be constantly improved through personalized recommendations.
With our technology, you can determine where you stand health-wise and even compare yourself to others.
Simple, fast and inexpensive.

Your health coach on your smartphone

Our “My Autonom Health” app accompanies you as a digital health coach throughout the entire measurement. The measurement data are continuously sent to the analysis portal when the Internet connection is active and are periodically analyzed there. The instantaneous performance level is calculated and displayed 288 times in 24h. The progress of your HRV measurement can be tracked permanently in the My Autonom Health app as well as in the analysis portal. This way, you know about your current performance immediately and can make effective changes.

Intelligent push messages accompany you during the measurement. These give impulses, warn against overload, provide feedback in real time and encourage lifestyle optimization. Just give it a try!

Comprehensive analyses

Health indicators

Health status

Describes the “functional efficiency” of the whole organism, the current constitution, performance and regeneration capacity.

Biological age

Heart rate variability correlates with health and age. Functional biological age therefore measures instantaneous adaptability to changing external and internal conditions.

Performance potential

Current state and dynamic progression of cardiac output and HRV data compared to your own age and gender group reflect your current level of physical and mental performance.

Stress Management

Vegetative resilience describes the ability to deal with stress and strain productively and the ability to regenerate well.

Burnout resistance

This value measures your resistance to stress. The lower the biological age, the more adequate the physiological patterns during activation and rest, the better the physical and mental performance and sleep, the higher the burnout resistance.

Lifestyle factors


Take a look!

Sample evaluation and demo account

Want to see a “My Autonom Health & Sportssample analysis in the analysis portal?
Login data for the demo account:
Password: Myhealth

Or download the multi-page results report right here:

Become your own health coach

The moment you put on the chest strap, you are doing something good for your health. With the handy “My Autonom Health” app, you record your activity and monitor how your autonomic nervous system reacts to current stresses. Discover the joy in watching your Lifefire rise!

Order your desired starter set here to take your health into your own hands right away!

We are there for you!


In our Autonom Health Community you can ask questions about your measurement,
post anonymized measurements,
discuss health topics
or simply deepen your own knowledge.

Online coaching

Book a 45min coaching via videoconference now with a certified HRV professional directly in our shop

Personal coaching

Please feel free to contact a certified
HRV Professional near you.
You can find the list of our partners at:

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