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About Autonom Health technology
Was ist der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund dieser Methode?
The scientific background of this factual and imaging diagnostics is the electrocardiogram (ECG) via which the functioning of the vegetative nervous system is analyzed more precisely than with other measurement methods.
The HRV method, which is rapidly gaining in importance due to technological possibilities, is fully recognized by orthodox medicine. Every year, we conduct numerous research projects using HRV.
The first study – “Temperature and Heart Rate” – was published as early as 1925! Currently, there are more than 25,000 publications on HRV in the pubmed portal.
Also, the cardiotocogram, which has been used for decades around the world to monitor the health of people before and during their birth, works on the basis of HRV.
Was ist der Unterschied zu anderen HRV-Systemen am Markt?
Autonom Health’s physicians, psychologists and natural scientists have been working together with experts in biosignal processing, IT and technology to make the best use of HRV for nearly two decades. We now have the largest specific database on HRV long-term measurements.
The other systems on the market focus on HRV measurements over a few minutes. We offer measurements over 24 hours and more including ongoing real-time feedback. A 3-minute measurement done with an optical sensor is usually not comparable to an ECG-accurate 24h measurement with comprehensive automated high performance analysis, explanations and personalized recommendations.
Others measure the pulse on the wrist. We measure 24 hours in the immediate vicinity of the heart, which is what matters: the R-waves in the ECG – 1000 times per second!
The frequently used “beat-to-beat measurements” often provide neither accurate nor reliable data and are usually unsuitable for longer tracking in everyday life.
Some degree of extrasystoles and/or artifacts is present in any HRV measurement. Often a reason for incomprehensible measurement results. Our multiple filter system ensures that no extrasystoles and artifacts distort the analyses.
Others show a few parameters, sometimes only one, and do not explain the meaning of these values. We provide detailed explanations and recommendations with each measurement and combine all relevant HRV parameters into easy-to-understand statements. Therefore, we can tell exactly how the person being measured is doing during each activity and what that means for their health.
Self-invented parameters confuse. All HRV parameters we use are 100% compliant with the guidelines of the Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology for performing and analyzing HRV measurements.
After all, it’s not just the data, it’s much more what you do with it. We provide 5-minute accurate performance analysis with algorithms based on physiological laws.
HRV data, unlike most other medical findings, show strong age and gender dependence. Unlike other providers, Autonom Health’s analyses take this into account. All collected data and results are peer group correlated.
The second indispensable pillar of correct HRV diagnostics is the “intraindividual longitudinal section”. Unlike other systems, the artificial intelligence of our algorithms incorporates the results of our own previous measurements, enabling a new level of accuracy.
HRV must not become a secret science with its own interpretations. We have been offering comprehensive HRV training for years and have already certified more than 1,100 people as HRV experts.
Our HRV practice textbook is now considered the standard work on the method – even beyond the German-speaking world.
Wie lange soll eine HRV-Messung durchgeführt werden?
We recommend a measurement duration between 20 and 28 hours so that all analysis parameters can be evaluated.
Warum wird das Analyseportal als Homebase mit allen Informationen geführt und nicht die App?
For data protection reasons and to protect our intellectual property, the algorithms of our analysis system, which have been developed over several years and have been continuously improved, do not run on smartphones but on servers with the best possible security.
Therefore, the entire evaluation of the measurements, all analysis details as well as all explanations and recommendations can be found in the analysis portal.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Kurzzeit- und einer Langzeitmessung?
A short-term measurement provides a selective insight into the dynamic course of functional regulatory processes and requires strictly standardized measurement conditions. Even these provide only a relatively fuzzy analysis because HRV, as a highly sensitive measurement method, reflects the effects of ALL influences (including those that occurred longer ago) (sleep quality, hydration status, physical activation, stress, etc.). 24-hour measurements provide an unbiased, highly meaningful insight into the entire physiology of everyday life and thus deliver differentiated results on a wide range of activities.
The honest bio-psycho-socio-emotional feedback over 24h or longer enables the exact self-control of one’s own life circumstances.
Wie wirkt sich das Tragen des Sensors mit Bluetooth Technologie auf mein Herz und meine Gesundheit aus?
Our hardware manufacturer makes the following statement:
“Rest assured that things are in a good order.
We take product safety, including radio transmission safety, extremely seriously. Movesense sensor radio functionality is verified by an external testing laboratory to be in full conformity with the EU legislation, namely Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU. The tests completed and passed include EN62479:2010 Health test.
What some customers assume to be suspicious activity, is in fact absolutely normal operation. Even if there is no active Bluetooth connection underway, the Bluetooth radio is still “on”, advertising its existence briefly every 500ms and ready to be connected to. This is exactly the way Bluetooth devices work, as defined in the Bluetooth specification. Now why the field strength meter shows constant signal is most likely, now knowing the exact performance specifications of the device used on the video, due to the typical low pass filtering of the registered field strength before display.”
Mit welchen Geräten ist die Software kompatibel?
In principle, data from all devices that provide clean RR data and whose manufacturers do not encrypt the data can be imported into the Autonom Health software.
For High Quality HRV via Bluetooth 4.0, the following devices can currently be used in addition to our own:
- Polar H10
- Polar H7
- Suunto Smart Belt
- Cardiosport TP3
- 4iiii Viiiiva
- BlueLeza HRM Blue
We support operating systems from Windows 8+ and from Mac OS X
Kann ich meinen Sensor von Garmin für die Autonom Health Analyse verwenden?
Unfortunately, Garmin prevents the external use of their measured data through encryption. Thus, devices from Garmin are not compatible with our software.
Kann der Polar Brustgurt H10 auch HRV-Daten speichern?
The Polar H10 belt collects HR data once per second to store this data as pulse values that can be read in the Polar Flow app.
However, HRV data (RR data) cannot be saved because the Polar H10 sensor does not have an internal data memory. To prevent data loss, the cell phone must always be present during the measurement!
The Autonom Health sensor captures RR data thousands of times per second to store HRV data, which are millisecond values that are transferred to the AH analysis portal via the Autonom Health app, where they are analyzed and sent back to the app.
Wie kann ich die Batterie im Sensor tauschen?
After approx. 6-7 long-term measurements, the battery should be replaced. To do this, lever off the cover on the back of the sensor with a coin / letter opener or similar. high. Insert a new battery and try to connect again.
The most likely cause that the sensor is not recognized by the app or that the measurement simply cannot be started and therefore the connection does not work is a flat battery!
Nach dem Batterietausch funktioniert der Sensor nicht mehr
After inserting the battery and properly closing the flap, the sensor should light up to indicate that the sensor is seeking connection to the app. I.e. the sensor does not flash, but only lights up briefly. Please check: When you press the lid on the back of the sensor, does a red light come on? It should be, because it means that the
sensor seeks contact. If it does not light up, there is something wrong with the battery. Please check again if the battery is inserted correctly!
What else you can try:
– Open the battery compartment once again and check whether the battery has been inserted correctly
– When closing, make sure that the lid locks into place
– check if the sensor is coupled
– restart your location services.
– shut down the phone and start it up again without turning off the app or stopping the measurement
– delete the app’s cache or even delete it altogether and reinstall it
– check if the sensor is correctly connected to the app.
It is generally important that both the sensor and the cell phone have a good state of charge. Especially with the cell phone, we have made the observation that a low battery level and energy saving mode can affect the measurement quality.
Software and app
Ist die App für iOS und Android verfügbar?
The “My Autonom Health App” is available free of charge for iOS users in the App Store as well as for Android users in the Google Play Store.
Der Sensor wird nicht von der App erkannt – was kann ich tun?
Some of the following tips might help:
– check if the battery is inserted correctly
– check whether the battery compartment is closed properly again
– check if the sensor is correctly clipped to the chest strap
– check whether the sensor is connected DIRECTLY in the app so that the measurement data can be sent to the analysis portal via the app.
– Important: DO NOT connect the sensor to the phone in the general cell phone Bluetooth settings!
– Log out of the app and log in again
– delete the app from the phone and reinstall it
Ich weiß mein Passwort nicht mehr, was kann ich tun?
A new password can be requested automatically at any time in the login box of the analysis portal under “Reset password”.
Die App funktioniert nicht richtig und bricht immer wieder ab. Warum?
Ist das Analyseportal auch in Englisch verfügbar?
Daten werden aus der App nicht mehr ausgelesen
If reading the data is causes problems, some of the following tips might help:
– switch off the cell phone while the measurement is running, i.e. shut down the device completely and then restart it. However, do not end the measurement!
– turn on the phone’s location services
– reset the phone’s Bluetooth service
– sometimes a new entry of an activity helps
– briefly disconnect the sensor in the app and then reconnect it
Sometimes it helps to update the app or reinstall it in the first place. To do this, stop any measurement in progress, delete the app from the phone, and then reinstall the app again so that the system can experience a reboot. Log in with your access data, pair the sensor and start a new measurement. Then everything should work again without any problems.
Die App “steckt” oder rennt in einer “Endlosschleife”
It can happen that the app gets into a kind of “infinite loop” and the data transfer from the sensor to the app, further to the analysis portal and back again is disturbed. Then measurement failures may also occur. In such a case, it may help to “wake up” the system again (see tips above) and encourage it to continue working.
Another tip would be to turn off the power saving mode on your phone and leave the location always on. This will allow the system to run more stably and the phone won’t have such strong tendencies to shut down the app.
And then the Bluetooth service can still be reset DIRECTLY IN THE My Autonom Health app in the “Settings”.
HRV recorder and chest strap system
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Brustgurtsystem und HRV-Rekorder?
Both systems are suitable for measuring HRV data and do not differ in measurement quality.
HRV chest strap system
The sensors of our chest straps are equipped with Bluetooth technology, which sends the data to the server via the My Autonom Health app. There they are analyzed and sent back to the app. This makes it possible to follow the measurement in real time on the smartphone. Thanks to the storage possibility in the ECG sensor, no data is lost when there is no connection to the cell phone. This way, data may even be recorded while sleeping, diving or hiking, without the need for a smartphone to be nearby.
The chest strap system is completely waterproof and can even be worn while swimming or diving.
HRV Recorder System
The HRV recorder allows to perform a measurement independently from the smartphone and stores all measured data. AFTER the measurement, this stored data is uploaded to the analysis portal. All analysis results are available there.
Thanks to two adhesive electrodes on the chest, the recorder provides excellent data quality. In addition, the recorder can be passed on to family members, friends or acquaintances interested in taking a measurement at any time.
The HRV recorder is splash-proof, but not waterproof! The device must be removed when showering, bathing, swimming and visiting the sauna.

Ist das Brustgurtsystem in der Lage, untertags Warnungen anzuzeigen z.B. um vor einem erhöhtem Stressniveau zu warnen oder das Einlegen einer Pause zu empfehlen?
Wie genau unterscheidet sich die Datenqualität beim HRV Rekorder im Vergleich zum Brustgurtsystem? Lassen sich mit dem HRV Rekorder wegen der Klebeelektroden z.B. bessere oder genauere Rückschlüsse ziehen bzw. bessere/genauere Werte erzielen?
Kann ich mit dem Brustgurt oder HRV Rekorder schwimmen oder in die Sauna gehen?
HRV chest strap system
Since our chest strap system is waterproof, you can use it to shower, bathe, swim, dive and even go to the sauna!
HRV recorder system
The HRV recorder is only splash-proof but not waterproof! Therefore, please put the recorder in a dry place before each shower, swimming pool or sauna visit and resume the measurement within 60 minutes.
Verfügt der Sensor über einen Speicher?
Yes, the sensor of our chest strap system has a memory. This means that you do not always have to have the cell phone with you during the measurement.
Since the storage capacity is about 10-12 hours, you can even put the phone away while you sleep.
Verschlechtert sich die Messqualität des Brustgurtsystems nach einiger Zeit?
A coating can form on the electrode parts on the chest strap over time due to sweat and grease, which impairs the measurement quality. This and also any undesirable odor can be eliminated by washing the belt – in a laundry bag – in the washing machine at 40° Celsius.
English online course
Wie erlange ich Zugang zur Online-Ausbildung?
You buy your chosen module or the complete course in the store:
In the confirmation email you will be sent a link to the platform and a license key.
Follow the link, create an account and choose a password. Then a page opens where you enter the license key. And just like that, your access is ready to go.
(If you accidentally close the browser, you can simply follow the link in the email again).
Wie gelange ich zur Kursübersicht in BLINKIT?
Wie funktioniert die BLINKIT Plattform?
The courses (modules) consist of “chapters” and “blinks”.
Already visited blinks are displayed in green, not yet visited ones in blue.
Module 1 & Module 2 are completed by an online exam.
Under “Welcome to the Autonom Health Academy” you will find general information about the courses and a forum where you can exchange questions.

Some blinks include an associated PDF document.
The playback speed can be adjusted individually:

Ich möchte mehr über die Ausbildungsoptionen von Autonom Health erfahren.
You can find our entire training offer HERE
For individual questions, please contact us at
Wie kann ich von meinem Kaufvertrag zurücktreten?
To withdraw from the purchase contract within the legal withdrawal period, please fill out the following form:
Wo kann ich den beim Kauf im Shop erhaltenen Lizenzschlüssel einlösen?
Woran kann es liegen, wenn meine Brustgurtmessung nicht funktioniert?
- Am I in the right app? The “My Autonom Health” app should be used.
- Am I logged in with the correct account? I need a “private account”.
- Do I have valid software? I can only perform measurements with a valid tariff ( one-time measurement, monthly or annual flat rate).
- Was the bought tariff redeemed and recognized in the app? The coupon code for the software is to be entered in the analysis portal in the private account. After that, you can log in to the app. If you have been logged into the app before, but the app still does not recognize the tariff, please also log out one more time and then log in again. The top left menu shows whether a rate is recognized as such in the app.
- Is my internet or wifi and Bluetooth turned on? See on the display directly on your smartphone.
- Am I working with the latest app version? It is best to set automatic updates on the smartphone!
Mein Sensor wird nicht erkannt. Was kann ich tun?
- Please connect the chest strap only directly in the app with the cell phone! If the chest strap has already been connected once in the general Bluetooth settings of the phone, it will no longer be recognized in the app. Please disconnect this connection.
- For Android, it is helpful to have “Location” enabled when connecting. At Autonom Health, we do not read locations.
- If the chest strap is still not recognized, it may be because there are too many other Bluetooth devices nearby or the battery is low.
Können wir als Paar den Brustgurt abwechselnd verwenden und damit gemeinsam messen?
Ist es möglich, bei einer aktuellen oder vergangenen Messung die Zeiträume der Aktivitäten zu korrigieren bzw. nachträglich zu ändern?
The My Autonom Health app is a real-time HRV app that sends chest strap sensor data to the analytics portal via Bluetooth. There, they are analyzed and sent back to the app so you can track your measurement online. Since changes during the measurement would lead to the collapse of the very complicated system
corrections are only possible to a limited extent, otherwise the analysis process would not be feasible. Thus, in a running measurement, you can only change the indication of the current activity.
However, AFTER the measurement is completed, ALL data can be corrected in the analysis portal!
Wie ist die Bewertung “Erschöpfung” (z. B. beim Schlaf: “erschöpft”) im Zusammenhang mit der HRV zu verstehen?
As can be read in the HRV Practice Textbook on pages 104, 346-352, and especially on page 168, we define “exhaustion” as a “decline in HRV in all frequency ranges.” A differentiation between “fatigue” (in our opinion a positive vagus activation) and “exhaustion” in the sense of a “stand-by” of the whole system, as it is observed as a consequence of an inadequate too strong stimulus e.g. after too intensive sports or too much alcohol, is (so far) not made in science – we think among other things of the synonymous use of chronic fatigue syndrome and exhaustion syndrome.
However, the (patho-)physiological distinction between “fatigue” and “exhaustion” or between “good sleep” and “exhaustion sleep” is, in our view, necessary for a target-oriented diagnosis.
Ich arbeite mit einem Privataccount. Wie erhalte ich Werte wie pNN50, RMSSD, Total Power, LF/HF, etc.?
The analyses of the private account have been designed by us to be as simple and layman-friendly as possible. A deliberate decision was made to avoid an overload of parameters that cannot be classified by the purely health-interested layperson and are therefore simply confusing. Therefore, we provide special parameters such as a pNN50, SDNN, RMSSD, etc. only in the analyses of partner accounts for work as an HRV professional with patients and clients.