Special Workshop HRVadvanced

Online via ZOOM

Advanced knowledge. Intensive further training for HRV experts and all those who want to become one Technical discussions and knowledge refreshment are the main focus of this workshop. In addition, there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss interesting cases from your own practice and get answers to questions about HRV that have come up during your work. Further content such as sources of error in HRV analysis, physiological and technical backgrounds round off the program. Pattern recognition using selected examples from practice Discussion of concrete measurements When diagnostics becomes difficult New and further developments of hardware and software In-depth insights into our software such as HRVscan, HRVscience, HRVmed, My Autonom Health


Module 1 – The HRV basic seminar September 2024 – Bonn

Bonn Hermannstraße 38-40, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

The introductory seminar for anyone interested in HRV, to work with it or who wants to measure themselves and learn the basics of HRV The seminar offers 2 days of intensive experience with heart rate variability. As a highlight, self-measurements by seminar participants will be discussed in depth. The numerous aspects recognizable in HRV and the "mechanisms in the background" are made transparent: How are physiological processes reflected in the numbers, data and facts? How do different physical and mental demands, regeneration, sleep and some more show up in the life fire spectrogram? Goal: Upon completion of this module, you will be able to perform, analyze, and evaluate initial HRV measurements in your own environment. You know the most important […]

Module 3 – The HRV coaching seminar November 2024 – Online

Online via ZOOM

HRV for advanced in theory and practice! This intensive continuing education focuses on delivering the message of the Lifefire through purposeful conversation. How can the process of an HRV counseling session be made understandable, feasible, and meaningful? Talent- and rhythm-oriented coaching in theory and practice as the basis of a successful intervention. With the specialist knowledge acquired from the previous modules, we move on to practical work. You will receive an introduction to the structure and set-up of an HRV consultation and learn how to prepare for it in concrete terms. During the seminar you will develop your first coaching conversation based on the measurement of a seminar participant and conduct it in front of the other participants. Goal: Know […]


Module 1 – The HRV Basic Seminar

Online via ZOOM

The introductory seminar for anyone interested in HRV, to work with it or who wants to measure themselves and learn the basics of HRV The seminar offers intensive experience with heart rate variability in 2 1/2 days. As a highlight, self-measurements by seminar participants will be discussed in depth. The numerous aspects recognizable in HRV and the "mechanisms in the background" are made transparent: How are physiological processes reflected in the numbers, data and facts? How do different physical and mental demands, regeneration, sleep and some more show up in the life fire spectrogram? Goal: Upon completion of this module, you will be able to perform, analyze, and evaluate initial HRV measurements in your own environment. You know the most […]

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