10 vagus nerve exercises for in between

Vagus tickles me

Have you also noticed that you come across the “vagus” more and more often in magazines or on websites? The vagus plays an important role in our nervous system and is significantly involved in how well (or not well) we can deal with challenges. You can train it to work well. And with some very simple exercises directly in everyday life.

With these 10 simple vagus nerve exercises, you can consciously activate your recovery nerve and send positive stimuli from your brain to the rest of your body. Click on each individual exercise and you will find brief scientific explanations as well as information on how the exercise works.

1. Bauchatmung

2. herzhaft Lachen

3. Singen

4. kalt duschen

5. Kuscheln Sie mit der Nachbarskatze und dem Bürohund

6. Progressive Muskelentspannung nach Jacobsen (PMR)

7. Bewegung an der frischen Luft

8. Gurgeln

9. Ãœbung “Kopf drehen”

10. Herz-Atemübung

Vagus nerve explained simply

In order to understand the significance of the vagus, we will describe below what the vagus actually is, what it does and what it can do.

“Vagari”, from the Latin, means “to wander”.

The vagus is the longest of our twelve cranial nerves and belongs to the parasympathetic nervous system. It begins in the brain, runs through the neck, extends across the chest, splits into left and right vagus and leads to the heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas, intestines, etc.

The vagus is therefore directly connected to everything that is important. Because it connects the brain with the abdominal cavity, it controls blood sugar, breathing, heart rate, the release of digestive juices, tears and much more.

There is another theory, the polyvagal theory (Porges). A distinction is made between a posterior and anterior vagus nerve. The front one reacts faster and has the tasks of self-healing, recovery, digestion, contact and communication. An active anterior vagus is the normal case and predominant in a healthy organism. However, if this is overwhelmed, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the organism switches to “fight or flight” mode. If there is no solution, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and the posterior vagus shuts down all functions – the organism stops, freezes, blood pressure drops, dizziness, a slowed pulse, etc. set in.

The vagus can therefore be strong or weak. If it is strong, the body can recover well after stress, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and digestion are ideal. There are studies that describe a positive correlation between a strong vagal tone and positive emotions and health. High vagotonus is associated with increased serotonin and dopamine levels and better interpersonal relationships.
A weak vagus, on the other hand, is associated with inflammation, increased susceptibility to illness, negative emotions and even depression, heart attacks or strokes.
This is why it is so important to train our rest and recovery nerve. With our 10 exercises described here, it can be activated in a targeted way, inner tensions are released and we can deal with stress better.

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